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In a democratic government, the citizens play an essential role in electing their representatives and dictating the way in which the many areas of the government should go, through the vote and their participation. In such dynamic, the information, the dialog and the debate are tools that stimulate the citizen’s participation and strengthen democracy through the country. 60ACAD 


In Mexico, the democratic system has been threatened by many factors which are highlighted in the lack of citizens´ involvement, organizations that discourage dialogue as well as a lack of transparency, and democracy through the information and the training of society as a whole.


How does Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas contribute to this topic?


In Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas, we are convinced of the importance of the electorate process, the leadership of its citizens, and the power of strengthening the democratic system in the governments of Mexico and Latin America.

As a result, Ethos has launched various projects in order to give citizens new and additional tools in order to exercise their rights, promote information and stimulate the dialogue and debate. This in turn allows societies’ participation in the democratic government to have higher impact.



·    Electoral monitoring

The elections for representatives, government officials, and the president are probably the most relevant moments in exercising democracy. Nevertheless, the electorate process is not limited by events that occur immediately before the elections of such candidates. Such processes are constant, which is why it is fundamental that the citizens are aware of the distinct steps to the whole process.


Project: Electoral Arena.  Ethos created the electorate arena in 2012, with the purpose of monitoring the electoral processes in Mexico in order to inform the citizens, stimulate the voting process, and offer important tools for the decision makers in our country.  


Electoral Arena comes from the need of an effective, clean, and transparent democracy. This project offers an innovative process that presents information and various ideas from a non-partisan perspective to further guarantee a responsible vote from every citizen.


For the presidential elections in 2012, we organized more than 150 experts and NGOs to evaluate the government's plans and proposals in a detailed manner. We were able to inform the society in a clear and entertaining way, and thus, this allowed the citizens to excercise an informed vote.   


·       Leadership


Citizen leadership is essential for the development of the community and nation as a whole. Individuals with the capacity to mobilize collective action in order to improve the environment in which they live are an important element for Mexico's transformation and innovation.


Acknowledging the value of Mexicans´ leadership, in Ethos, we are responsible for training Mexican leaders. With assisstance, they can increase their impact and better their understanding of the problems that afflict our society.


Between 2009 and 2011, Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas implemented the Leader Program Ethos with the purpose of integrating young graduates-with the potential to generate a positive impact on their communities and country-into various contexts and trajectories. The program works to provide Ethos’ leaders with professional skills as well as theoretical and practical tools in order to make them capable, ethical and responsible citizens, leading towards a consolidation of democratic culture and reduction of  poverty and inequality in Mexico.


In the future, Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas will continue to assist the creation of new Mexican leaders, offering them the tools to fully develop their impact in society through different programs and projects.


·       Soft Power

Soft power is the capacity of an actor to exercise influence over others. Traditionally, power has been measured by material capacities or tangibles such as the military and economic aspects. Nevertheless, there exists another type of power which allows a country to accomplish their geopolitical objectives: soft power refers to the application of culture, diplomacy, ideas, image, reputation and cooperation in order to create relationships and strengthen the nation’s position  by increasing its efficiency and relevance on an international level.


In Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas, we believe that the topic of soft power in Mexico has not been applied, discussed, or utilized sufficiently. This is reflected in the lack of a national project focused on reinforcing the country’s potential, while addressing its weaknesses. Furthermore, there has not been any actions to increase the power of Mexico as a country so that it can achieve its geopolitical objectives and become a world leader.


Through the identification, analisis and reccomendations about how Mexico can optimize the soft power, Ethos Laboratorio de Políticas Públicas seeks to introduce this concept into the national agenda, in the debate and the country’s initiatives.



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